The first step will be to book a consultation with our licensed immigration consultant to review your profile and make suitable recommendations.If you decide to retain our service, you will be required to sign a retainer agreement and make payment into our trust account

Note that the initial consultation fee can be credited towards your final application cost if you retain us to process your application.

Once all steps are completed, you will receive a welcome email from us along with a list of documentation required to support your application. During your application process, we will work closely with you to ensure a seamless process and ensure your application is well presented to IRCC to deliver on your objectives.

Only authorized representatives are allowed to represent you in a Canadian immigration application as well as communicate with the Government of Canada on your behalf for a fee.

Our lead consultant, Bukola Akinode is a licensed Canadian immigration consultant and a member of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC) in good standing and is authorized by the Canadian government to represent clients in all immigration matters.  Her details can be found in the CICC register – link

Avoid ghost consultants. Be sure to use an authorized representative to assist with your application.

Based on our regulator-approved account model, all unearned and unbilled monies are deposited by the client into our trust account and invoiced as milestones are achieved.

Installment payments are allowed only at the start of the process; however, work will only commence when all fees have been paid.

Please note that our professional fees are exclusive of government application fees for your immigration program. To check IRCC’s processing fees, please refer to their website.

  • Our prices include professional fees only. HST may be applicable on top of that.
  • Government fees and disbursements (translation services, medical insurance premiums, medical examination fees, language exam fees, international student admission fees, etc.) are paid directly to the government or third parties.

A Canadian study permit is a document that allows you to study at a school in Canada.

Once you have been accepted to study at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI), you can apply for a Canadian study permit.

There are four stages to obtaining a Canadian study permit:

  1. Check your eligibility: Ensure you meet the eligibility requirements for a Canadian study permit. You will need:
  • an acceptance letter from a DLI,
  • proof of financial support,
  • supporting documents (varies depending on your countries of citizenship and residence)
  1. Prepare your application: If you meet all eligibility requirements then you can start to prepare your study permit application. Make sure that you have gathered all the documents required for your country. If you don’t show that you meet the requirements, an immigration officer may reject your application. It is a good idea to have a qualified immigration representative review your application before you submit it.
  2. Submit your study permit application: You have two options when submitting your application:
  1. If your study permit is approved, come to Canada! You do not receive your Canadian study permit until you arrive at a Canadian Port of Entry (POE). If your permit is approved, the Canadian government will issue you a Port of Entry Introduction Letter. You must show this letter to the immigration official when you arrive in Canada to get your study permit.

Processing times for study permits vary greatly. The amount of time it takes depends on your country of residence.

The shortest processing time is 1-2 weeks, but some applicants can expect to wait as long as 16 weeks. Processing times depend on the volume of applications received. If you’re applying close to the beginning of Canada’s academic year you may experience delays.

Want faster processing times? Find out if you are eligible for the Study Direct Stream (SDS).

There are certain terms and conditions attached to a Canadian study permit. You must respect these conditions in order to retain all the benefits of your study experience.

  • You must be enrolled at a designated learning institution (DLI)
  • You must be enrolled as a part-time student, or a full-time student if studying in Quebec
  • You must not take any authorized leaves longer than 150 days from your program of study

It is important to understand and respect the terms of your study permit. In doing so, you will get the most out of your study abroad experience in Canada. Students who respect the terms of their study permits also have a better chance of being granted a post-graduate work permit.

The good news is that studying in Canada is affordable. Canadian tuition fees are generally lower than those in Australia, the U.S., and the U.K.

In the 2018/2019 school year, the average annual tuition for an undergraduate international student in Canada was $27,159 CAD. The average tuition for the same year spent at an American university can be compared to $45,950 USD.

You can use this tool to find tuition costs for college and university programs in Canada, as well as the estimated costs of books and supplies.

When deciding where to study abroad, the cost of living is also an important factor to consider. The cost of living in Canada can be very affordable compared to most other top destinations for international students:

There are many options for living as a student in Canada. From living in university residences to apartment rentals, students can pick the living style that suits them best. Typically, large cities, like Toronto and Vancouver, have higher housing costs than smaller cities and towns.

The University of Toronto, which serves nearly 20,000 international students, estimates the monthly cost of housing for a student to sit somewhere between $1,080 to $2,982 CAD in downtown Toronto.

In Montreal, the cost of living is low compared to other major North American cities. The University of Montreal estimates a monthly student housing cost of $550 CAD. The city of Montreal remains a very popular study destination for international students and recently ranked fifth in the world for best study destination.

In Saint John’s, Newfoundland, one of Canada’s smallest cities, the cost of living is 10-30% lower than other Canadian cities. The average monthly cost of a two-bedroom rental is just $710 CDN or $350 per room.

Similar to housing, the cost of food and transportation varies between provinces

All international students in Canada must have healthcare coverage. Certain provinces automatically give international students access to Canada’s public healthcare system, but others do not. Students in provinces that do not offer health coverage to international students must purchase private health insurance. Schools in these provinces generally offer health insurance plans for international students which may be added to your tuition and student fees.

There are plenty of scholarship opportunities for international students who want to study in Canada.

The opportunities available to you will depend on your field of study or research and your country of origin.

You can find more information about scholarships that may be available to you by using this database.

A designated learning institution (DLI) is any school that is allowed to admit international students.

All primary and secondary schools in Canada are DLIs and can admit students from foreign countries.

Not all post-secondary schools are DLIs, so you must check the Canadian government’s list of DLIs before applying.

Canada has a reputation for providing accessible, quality education for international students. To understand which program is right for you, first, you must understand Canada’s levels of study.

Any educational program beyond the twelfth grade in Canada is considered post-secondary education. There are a few different types of post-secondary education, each with a different purpose. Certain programs may have specific admissions requirements.

Our mandate is to ensure that you meet the basic admissions requirements for any program that you are applying for

To study at a Canadian school you will need to be proficient in English or French. Canadian post-secondary schools set their own conditions for the language skills of international students. Language skill requirements vary from one school to the next.

While preparing your application, you should research the specific requirements for your program. Some schools even allow you to complete English courses after you begin your studies. Some international students do not need to provide proof of their language skills. If you are from an English-speaking country or have studied in English, then you may not have to take the IELTS.

Each school set its own language requirements. It is important to check the specific requirements of the school to which you want to apply.

Your letter of intent is a critical part of your study permit application. It should explain your plans to study in the country and your goals. You should acknowledge the conditions of being a Canadian study permit holder.

The purpose of the letter of intent is to assure the Canadian government that you will respect the conditions of your permit. You must agree to leave the country once your permit has expired.

Our international student program offers guidance on writing your best letter of intent!

Each school has its own deadline. You should make sure to submit your application well before this deadline.

Canadian schools are flooded with applications every year. As the deadline approaches, schools become more selective. The more reputable schools are especially competitive, so the earlier you get your application in, the better.

Canada has a selection of post-secondary institutions of different sizes and specialties. Here’s a list of designated learning institutions in the respective provinces to help get you started!

With a Canadian study permit, you can change your school or program at any time. To do so, you will want to make sure you are following the right procedure and staying within the conditions of your study permit.

Here are the exact steps you need to follow to change your school or program through the online portal:

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Find the section called Designated Learning Institution student transfer
  3. Click transfer from DLI number
  4. Enter your study permit application number in the search field and then click Search for my application
  5. You may be prompted to enter more details from your original study permit application, so it’s important to have this handy.
  6. Enter the information about your new program or school, including the new DLI number, your new student ID number, and your start date.
  7. Click submit transfer
  8. You will then be asked to review all the information you have submitted. If everything looks good, you can complete the process by clicking confirm transfer
  9. You will receive a notification that your request is complete. This confirms that you have successfully informed the government of your change in plans.

Yes! Another perk to studying in Canada is that international students have the right to work. This helps offset the cost of tuition and living expenses.

International students in Canada can work part-time (up to 20 hours per week) during school terms. During scheduled breaks like summer vacation, international students may work full-time. Most students don’t need a work permit to work while they study, whether their job is on campus or off campus. Your study permit will state whether you’re allowed to work off campus.

If your program of study includes work experience, you may be able to work more than 20 hours during the semester. This will be indicated in your letter of acceptance. If the government approves this condition, you will be granted both a work permit and a study permit. This work permit will allow you to work on campus only.

International students who are married or have kids may wish to bring their family with them.

Canadian visa officers will consider study permit applications which include accompanying family members. You should note that including family members on a study permit application may influence the visa officer’s decision.

If you are approved as a family, your spouse will be able to work full time while in Canada. Any accompanying children will be able to study for free.

If your family does accompany you, your spouse will be eligible for an open work permit, authorizing them to work full-time in Canada while you are studying.

Studying in Quebec gives you the option to study in English, French, or both. However, Quebec student visa requirements are a little different from the rest of Canada.

In order to study in Quebec, you will need a Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ). This document is issued by the Ministry of Immigration, Francisation and Integration (MIFI) . It confirms that Quebec has accepted you as an international student. You need a CAQ before you can apply for a study permit if your program of study is in Québec.

To be eligible to apply for a CAQ, you need to meet the following requirements.

  • Be accepted into a Québec designated learning institution
  • Pay the fees associated with a CAQ application
  • Agree to comply with the conditions for issuing a CAQ for studies

You do not need a CAQ or a study permit if you intend to study a program that is less than 6 months in duration.

Once you have a CAQ, you have to apply for a study permit from the Government of Canada. When you receive your study permit, you’re ready to start studying in Canada!

All international students in Canada must have healthcare coverage.

Certain provinces allow international students access to Canada’s public healthcare system. Students in provinces that do not offer health coverage must buy private health insurance. All Canadian schools offer health insurance plans for international students.

Canada makes it easy for international students to become permanent residents if they want to remain in the country.

The Post-Graduate Work Permit allows international students to stay in Canada and work for up to three years after graduating. After working in Canada for one year, international graduates may be eligible to apply for permanent residency.

To apply for a PGWP, you need to prove that you have respected all the conditions of your study permit. Studying must have been your primary activity during your time in Canada. A PGWP is typically granted for the same duration as your studies in Canada.


Canada offers two kinds of visitor visas: single-entry and multiple-entry. The single-entry visa will allow foreign nationals to cross into Canada once. Those with multiple-entry visas can enter and exit as often as they like within the valid duration of their visa. A visitor visa can be granted for a period of up to six months. However, the duration of the visa will be decided by the immigration officer handling your case.

If you have children or grandchildren living in Canada, you might qualify for the super visa for parents and grandparents. This multiple-entry visa allows you to stay in the country for up to two years at a time, helping you to spend more time with your loved ones.

You have the option to extend your visitor visa from inside Canada only if your temporary status is still valid. Remaining in Canada with an expired visitor visa and no in-process extension application can jeopardize future immigration applications. If you have completed the extension application before the expiry of your visa, you can remain in Canada under implied status until the application is processed.

If you are travelling to Canada for business, you may be required to obtain a business visitor visa. Note, that this visa is not for temporary foreign workers. A separate work permit is needed in order to directly engage in the Canadian labour market.

Those travelling to Canada from visa-exempt countries do not require a visitor visa to enter the country. Visa-exempt visitors can enter Canada for a period of up to six months.

Notably, if you are from a visa-exempt country and travelling to Canada by aeroplane, you must hold an electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) from the Canadian government. Visa-exempt travellers entering Canada by sea or land will not need an eTA. Important to note, United States citizens can travel into and out of Canada with just their valid U.S. passport, no eTA is required!

Fortunately, applications for an eTA are fast and affordable. You can secure an eTA by visiting the Canadian government website, inputting the required information, and paying the $7 CAD government fee. Most eTA applications are processed in just a few minutes, but in some cases, it can take several days, so it’s best to apply in advance of your flight. If approved, an eTA remains valid for 5 years or until the expiry of your passport.

If you are coming to Canada as an international student or temporary worker of a visa-exempt country, the Canadian government will automatically issue you an eTA with your study or work permit.

The cost of immigrating to Canada through Express Entry is generally about $2,300 CAD for a single applicant, or about $4,500 CAD for a couple. This amount does not include the settlement funds that many candidates must show to be eligible for Canadian immigration; this amount will vary by family size, starting at around $13,000 CAD for a single applicant. If a candidate is applying through a provincial program, additional fees may apply. Proof of settlement funds is not required for those with a Canadian job offer or who are applying under the Canadian Experience Class.

All forms of business immigration require significant investment in Canada. It might require the applicant to have invested in a Canadian company or require an applicant to make an interest-free loan to the federal or provincial government.

In most cases, you do not provide financial information to sponsor a spouse or dependent child. If you are sponsoring other family members like a parent or grandparent, there is a financial requirement that will need to be met in order to be eligible to apply.

If you are applying under humanitarian and compassionate grounds applications, no financial requirements exist. The only time financial information is required under this category of immigration is if the refugee is a privately sponsored applicant. In that case, the Canadian group sponsoring the refugee must demonstrate that they have raised sufficient funds to sponsor the resettlement of the refugee candidate.

Each immigration program has its own minimum eligibility requirements. It is important to verify your eligibility prior to applying.

When submitting an application, the Canadian government will request various documents to verify your work experience, education, identity, and criminal and medical background. The types of required documents depend on the program to which you are applying. In order to determine the documents, you will require, first, you have to determine which immigration program is best for you!

The fastest method of immigrating to Canada is through Express Entry. Express Entry processes most applications in six months or less.

There is no specific age limit requirement for any Canadian immigration program. That said, in most categories of economic immigration, applicants 25-35 receive the maximum points. That doesn’t mean older applicants cannot be selected. Having substantial work experience, high language proficiency, connections to Canada, and advanced education can easily offset any points lost for age in economic immigration.

Family sponsorship and humanitarian and refugee immigration to Canada do not use a ranking system and therefore do not have any penalties for age whatsoever.

With over 80 pathways of immigration, Canada has a range of options for all types of applicants. That said, moving to a new country requires some effort. Some immigration programs require higher qualifications and more documents than others. Using the services of a Canadian immigration lawyer can greatly assist in the immigration process from start to finish.

Canadian immigration lawyers are the point of contact with the government for your application. They handle the submission of your application and advise you on the documents you need, the ones you might want to include, and the documents you should not provide.

To learn more about how the skilled legal professionals and lawyers at Waterbrooke can help you, check out our Canadian immigration services page.

  1. Express Entry
    The Express Entry system is responsible for welcoming over 100,000 newcomers to Canada each year. If you are applying for an Express Entry program, it is likely that you will not need a job offer. In fact, about 90% of Express Entry candidates were invited to apply for permanent residency without holding a Canadian job offer, according to IRCC’s Year-End Report 2019.

Express Entry requires applicants to have adequate work and educational experience, as well as language skills. However, you will not lose points for not having an offer from a Canadian employer.

  1. Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs)
    There are also many Provincial Nominee Programs that do not require a job offer to apply.

Some provinces, such as Saskatchewan, will instead use Expression of Interest (EOI) points-based systems – similar to Express Entry – to determine which candidates will be invited to apply for nomination.

Other provinces, such as Ontario or Nova Scotia, will invite candidates directly from the Express Entry pool to fill specific demographic or labor market gaps. That means, just by having an Express Entry profile in the pool of candidates, you have the opportunity to be invited to settle permanently in a Canadian province.

So if you want to immigrate to Canada and do not yet have a valid job offer, don’t panic! There are many options available to become a permanent resident do not include a job offer requirement.